Conversations With A Now Three Year Old

With four kids, three of which are three and under, there is most certainly NEVER a dull moment and at times it can be quite entertaining.  Most of the hilariousness comes from No-no, our three year old son.  You may recognize him from previous posts, “Conversations With A Two Year Old”.  He’s three now, and will be four in March.  He’s also the cause for most of the humor in the house.

No-no:  (Crying)  Daddy!  I hurt my head!

Me:  Oh no buddy!  How?

No-no:  Playing under the cabinets…

Me:  Like I told you not to?

No-no:  Yeeeeeess……

Me:  Did you learn anything?

No-no:  Yes…

Me:  Are you going to listen to me now?

No-no:  Nooooooo….

Recently we were on our way to Yai-yai’s (my mom) house.  The kids were watching a movie (thank god for dvd players in cars!) in the backseat and were conspicuously quiet.  Suddenly, No-no belts out, “Quit playing with your vagina!!!”  What makes it funnier is, he was staring out the window when he said it.  The wife and I busted out laughing, but quickly stopped when we thought, “Where did he learn the word vagina?”  Even though we have a daughter, we do not call her lady parts a vagina.  We use terms like, hoo-ha or lucy.  Now, I’ll pick on No-no when he is taking a bath.  I’ll open the door and yell at him to “quit playing with your dingy!”  So to whoever taught my son the word (and proper usage of) vagina, I thank you for the laugh!

About the jason james

Married, stay at home dad of 3 1/2 wonderfully crazy kids. I started this as an outlet at first. A way to share things that I would normally keep to myself. But, now I think that I'm going to use it as a way to share stories and experiences that come along with parenting and this crazy life of mine! Oh, and a lot of random thoughts from my ADHD mind!
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